
Archana Yadav of Lucknow is one of very few women who have learned the sarangi. At the ge of fourteen she became the disciple of Pandit Bhagwan Das Mishra of Banaras who was a staff artist at All India Radio in Lucknow from the 1960s until his retirement and return to Banaras in the 1990s. I met Archana and filmed her sarangi practice in 1997.
After becoming a wife and a mother, Archana had little time to practise. Here she plays rag Puriya Dhanashri and we talk. Then she played the famousBanaras bandish :sumiran kar man Ram" in Puriya Dhanashri, which I had first learnt from the great Gopal Mishra, complete with some of the upaj which he had taught me_heart-warning Banaras fare: