

Prabhu Sahai Mishra was the eldest son of Vidya Sahai Mishra of Banaras. Prabhuji was my gurubhai, a fellow student of Pandit Hanuman Prasad Mishra. He was a beautiful and gentle soul with a tragic life. He spent years faithfully serving his guru with great love and devotion, but he never received any substantial instruction, so he never excelled as a sarangi player. In 2006, he was running to catch a train and fell on the tracks, and that was his tragic end. During 2009 and 2010 I worked with his sons Krishna (tabla) and Vinayak (sarangi) who are now learning from their grandfather Vidya Sahai Mishra. They are the subject of my film Dukh ki Talim: Transmission in the Wake of Suffering which you can see on


Here we see Prabhuji accompanying a dance programme in Nagwa, Banaras in March 1994:


© 1994-2025 Nicolas Magriel