
Kamal Sabri is the only sarangi-playing son of my first teacher Ustad Sabri Khan. He traces his lineage as given here. "Main"="Miyan", the one and only.
Kamal Sabri told me that he started practising sarangi as a teenager—unusually late for someone in a hereditary sarangi family. He has performed widely in India and abroad and does lots of fusion music. The one video on this site is of his performance at a memorial concert for the husband of the Delhi dhrupad singer and academic Sumati Mutatkar in her home.
Here he is performing Shri rag (often deployed in mourning contexts):
April 2024: I am updating Kamal Sabri's page with some of his work in recent years.
We start with his performance at the Harivallabh Sangeet Samalen in 2017. Notice he is now playing an unusual "Mewati sarangi" with a scrolled upper pegbox.
And then rag Yaman:
Then a performance in 2019 at the Mahindra Kabir Festival:
Then Shri rag. How his playing has moved on since the rendition of Shri with which this page began!:
Than a diverting performance with the Indian banjo player, Mumtaz Sabzal:
Now the "History of Sarangi", a mock interview with my dear old cuckoo friend Anand Thakur at Anand's flat in Mumbai. Pure bakwas!