Chunnu Khan was a rough-and-tumble sarangi player who I visited in Calcutta in 1997. His main livelihood was from accompanying tawayafs in Bow Bazaar. He shared tiny quarters with a shoemaker, so I was compelled to film him surrounded by lasts and awls and scraps of leather. It was clear from his playing that he had once been a serious and powerful player, but the rag's had wandered into somewhat vague territory. Nevertheless we had a very enjoyable session. It felt like he was getting appreciation for the first time in many years,
Our meeting was on 12 July, 1997.
The first piece was rag Bhimpalasi, and quite a bit of it was recorded without sound—so it is not here. Bhimpalasi was follows by Pilu and some wandering between rags:
Bext was Malkauns and some talking:
Finally Bhairavi and Khamaj: